Sweet shampoo the first

No one can compare my baby

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE:1- Once the shampoo has been rinsed, apply the Balm on wet hair, with a light massage, spread the Smoothing Balm from the roots to the ends and wait two minutes. 2- Rinse with plenty of water. We recommend the use of RADHE SHYAM Henna Shampoo suitable for your hair type, which together with the Henna Smoothing Balm, will give your hair the vigor, volume and splendor that only nature can achieve.

This formula is formulated with very gentle active ingredients that do not harm the hair and allow the active components of the formula to prevent hair loss and boost cell regeneration and the hair’s natural volume.

Exclusive formula based on original natural Henna known for its excellent properties for the beauty and care of hair and scalp. Henna is a natural product that tones, tones, is antiseptic and…

Natural shampoo rich in saponin, it is considered an effective natural anti-dandruff treatment. Excellent for weak or brittle hair. Due to its astringent properties, it is recommended for greasy or brittle…

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Language Poqomam Greetings

The INCI list (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients) is a mandatory nomenclature on cosmetics since 1999. Created in 1973 by an American association, the INCI list (or list of ingredients) aims to standardize the ingredients present in a cosmetic product. The manufacturer is not obliged to indicate the percentage concentration of each ingredient due to “manufacturing secrecy”. However, they are classified as “mandatory” in reverse order of concentration (at least) for those classified at more than 1%. Below 1%, the manufacturer can have them listed in any order desired on the box.

1,2-HexanediolOrigin(s): Synthetic.used as a softening agent, moisturizer, and the main function is to improve the performance of skin care products, inhibit the activity of microorganisms, and improve the function of anti-corrosion system. More Info.

Alcohol DenatOrigin(s): Vegetable, SyntheticDenatured alcohol is an alcohol that is not suitable for consumption to avoid excise taxes (indirect taxes, e.g. on alcohol, tobacco or petroleum products) and to prevent to use to create “drinkable spirits”.in cosmetics, it provides a feeling of freshness (after shave, deodorants or perfumes). It is also used in organics with essential oils to avoid the use of a preservative and has interesting properties (astringent, solvent …).Not recommended for very sensitive skin such as baby skin. It can be irritating and tend to dry the skin. More info.

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Los limpiadores suaves a base de plantas nutren la piel delicada y sensible. La avena es conocida por reconfortar la piel seca y con picores. Maravillosa para aliviar el eczema y la piel seca. La caléndula orgánica ayuda a calmar el cuero cabelludo con costra láctea o irritación. Aroma ligero, natural y reconfortante.

Babo Botanicals ofrece a toda la familia soluciones botánicas y minerales para el cabello, la piel y el sol. Ya sea que necesites calmar a tu recién nacido, prevenir los piojos en la escuela o tratar y proteger tu propia piel extra sensible, Babo está aquí para ayudarte.  Más→ información

4 formas de hacer sangre falsa

Nuestro Dúo Exfoliante Labial es un exfoliante labial de azúcar y aceite labial sólido infundido con el poderoso antioxidante Aceite de Marula para suavizar y acondicionar los labios. El Aceite de Marula neutraliza los radicales libres ayudando a crear colágeno y proporcionando protección antioxidante. Se absorbe fácilmente y es ideal para pieles secas y sensibles, el aliado perfecto para unos labios suaves y besables.

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SIN CRUELDAD, VEGANO Y SIN GLUTENEl aceite de marula se absorbe fácilmente y es ideal para pieles secas y sensibles, el aliado perfecto para unos labios suaves y besablesLos pequeños cristales de azúcar exfolian los labios eliminando la piel seca y dejando los labios suaves y acondicionadosFormulado sin parabenos ni gluten

Esta web utiliza cookies propias y de terceros para su correcto funcionamiento y para fines analíticos y para mostrarte publicidad relacionada con sus preferencias en base a un perfil elaborado a partir de tus hábitos de navegación. Al hacer clic en el botón Aceptar, acepta el uso de estas tecnologías y el procesamiento de tus datos para estos propósitos. Más información